In the summer of 2020, the Mandel Center launched the Online Jewish Education Project, a set of investigations of online teaching and learning in five diverse Jewish educational settings. In this two-session conference, the researchers of this study will explore their findings in discussions with study participants. Register for one or both of these online sessions.

Oct. 26:

  • “Teachers Learn and Learners Teach: Enacting Presence in Online Havruta Text Study”
  • “Face to Interface: Instructional Practices of an Online Adult Talmud Class”
  • “Mensch High: Engaging Students in Discussions About Israel”

Nov. 2:

  • “The Online ‘Mic Drop’ as Seen in a Study of Hillel’s Jewish Learning Fellowship”
  • “Discussing Bible in a Pre-K/First Grade Full-Time Remote Classroom”
  • Question-and-answer wrap-up
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