Following the incident on Wednesday, the contestant was attended to by on-site emergency medical personnel and later died, the sources said. "Wipeout" contestants must undergo medical examinations in advance of participating, according to the sources, who added participants this season were also tested for Covid-19 prior to filming.
A spokesperson for TBS, which airs "Wipeout," told CNN in a statement: "We are devastated to have learned of his passing and our deepest sympathy goes out to the family."
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Endemol Shine North America, which produces the series, added: "We offer our heartfelt condolences to the family and our thoughts are with them at this time."
Production on "Wipeout" was paused on Thursday and Friday and will resume following a preplanned break after the Thanksgiving holiday.
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November 21, 2020 at 09:51AM
'Wipeout' contestant dies after competing in obstacle course while filming reality competition show - KABC-TV
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